Venturing out into the world of work, if only for a few weeks, is an exciting time and you’ll probably want to embrace the chance to gain new skills and get an insight into a potential future career. The prospect of work experience might also seem a little daunting, so it’s a good idea to spend some time planning how you’ll approach it. Work experience placements give you an opportunity to explore your interests and find out whether a potential career might be for you or not before you commit to it. Here’s some helpful advice from an independent school in the Southwest on how you can make the most of your work experience placement.

Plan ahead

It’s a good idea to go into your work experience placement with some idea of what you want to find out. Make a list of questions about the job you’d ideally like answered by the end of your placement, and perhaps also of any skills you’d like to develop. It won’t hurt to do some research on the company before you start and find out what you can about what they do and who works there – that way you’ll feel a bit more prepared when your first day arrives. Make sure you’re also clear on what your role is during the placement and what you’ll be expected to do, and of course where you need to be and when on your first day.

Be organised

Once you’ve started your placement, make sure you listen carefully to any instructions you’re given and make a note of key facts, dates and deadlines. This will help you manage your time effectively and show that you’re reliable. You might also want to keep a note as you go through your placement of any ideas you have that can help the company so you don’t forget them.

Get involved

Try to get involved in as many tasks as possible; the more you get stuck in, the more you’ll experience and the more skills you’ll gain from your work experience placement. Show eagerness and willingness to learn and take on responsibilities – this is a great opportunity for you to find out what you’re capable of and where your natural strengths lie. Offer to help people out with tasks as much as possible to both demonstrate your teamwork skills and gain valuable insight into different areas of the company and the job. Don’t be afraid to make suggestions as well and contribute your ideas.

Get to know people

Talk to as many people as possible during your work experience placement and introduce yourself. Take the opportunity to ask them about their roles in the company and how they got to where they are; this will allow you to learn about the reality of the job and what it entails, as well as what you might need to do to get where they are. Talking to people at different levels of the organisation will also improve your social skills, and you never know where a conversation with someone might lead!

Follow up afterwards

Make sure you thank the company for having you after the placement and swap contact details if you’d like to keep in touch. Sending a personalised thank you email or card will help ensure you’re remembered while showing that you’re appreciative of the experience. Spend some time reflecting on the placement and what you gained from it, even if you didn’t enjoy it as much as you’d hoped. All experience is valuable and will help you determine what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing, as well as what you don’t like.

Approaching your work experience placement with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn will help you get the most out of it.