Learning Spanish As A Second Language

Did you know that Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language on the planet?  Indeed, it is second only to Chinese, which is probably only the most commonly spoken language because of the country’s massive size and population.  It might be argued, then, that Spanish is the most widespread language spoken in more parts of the world than any other. Of course, region does effect language, changing some pronunciations and vernacular, via dialect.

Altogether, these characteristics make Spanish an excellent option as a second language to learn through Foreign language labs from Robotel.


You probably do not remember this, but there are lots of fundamental rules and guidelines you learned when you first started to speak and read.  This is what helps all of us to better understand language, particularly in its most subtle uses. Obviously, then, when you take a Spanish class, you will learn fundamentals like:

  • Basic Spanish language grammatical structure
  • Basic Spanish language verb conjugations
  • Important basic conversational vocabulary

No matter what language you choose to study, if you learn these three fundamental things you will quickly begin to comprehend how to speak this language in a daily, practical setting.  This becomes more important, of course, as you move away from books and other publications and into daily conversation.


When you start to be able to hold a Spanish conversation, you are ready to learn intermediate level Spanish.  By this time you should have a solid understanding of the basics of the Spanish language. You move into intermediate level education if you really want to be able to hold a decent conversation with a native speaker. This is especially true if you are planning to travel to a Spanish speaking country like Spain or Mexico, of course, or most any other country in Latin and South America.


In addition to classroom study, it is often necessary to study another language privately, with a tutor or in another singular capacity.  This not only gives you more direct guidance on the intricacies of learning any other language, but—and, perhaps, more importantly—one-on-one practice in a real-life context.  All the study in the world could get you more knowledge but if you really want to learn to speak another language, like Spanish, this is really the best way to gain comprehension, and at the fastest pace.